Monday, April 16

What a great weekend!!
I always Love weekends since they give me a chance to rest and be away from work and school and just fellowshipping with the BIG 'happy family'! However, I have been having so much fun and so little sleep, but then again, I sacrifice sleep anytime for some FUN!
Well my weekend currently starts on thursday now, considering the fact that people spend half day in school on friday and plus the whole friday just involves eating cake and listening to seminar so i won't consider that as work at all....
Anyway, went for karaoke on thursday night from 10pm to 2am! I Love karaokes except the whole cheena group is gone!!! I miss Jiamin, Vivian, Sam, Trish.... the chinese gang!!! Even though there were a number of chinese songs sang, but it was different!
I think I am getting old. Firstly it is hard for me to stay awake past a certain time and after that big night out yesterday, I think I had a hangover from the lack of sleep. Can't believe of all times, Ihad to make an appointment with my Supervisor at 9am in the morning. I am so glad it went pretty well.
Thanks to pohbwee who adores waking up in the wee hours of the morning and find pleasure in torturing me to wake up superbly early on a weekend (which i usually sleep in). But thanks to Aaron for driving us there so that we don't have to wake up earlier.. It was Servant's retreat and I thought it was a unique one.
Lessons Learnt:
1) OCF is a place where we strongly endorsed Good doctrinal teachings, but as what Chris Chua said, we become really critical about the teachings of others that sometimes we make a really big hooha about their teachings (i am not referring to downright heretical teachings) that we criticise them in a ungodly way. I guess thats probably something that we should think about...
2) After listening to the many OCFers talked about how OCF has helped them, it reminded me once again how this ministry does change and helped people to grow. I would testify to that as well, I should be grateful to what OCF has done for me and should try to impart these experiences to others and serve the rest who are new
3) After listening to all the oldies, we should have hope! We should not always be pessimitic but optimistic with prayer. When times get tough and tiring in serving, there is always prayer and the knowlege of GOd being always there with us to help us going in this ministry
Any-oh-how, after a tired day of talks and discussion, we played POKER!!! Somehow it is THE GAME now to play. But it was extrememly Fun and it seems like we have been playing forever. Ultimately, the fellowship with the different people is the most enjoyable especially when all of us at OCF have different talents to show. What can I say???
OCF is a bunch of extremely talented people for Christ, and in OCF we strive to help people discover their talents!!


samantha said...

oh my goodness.. you updated your blog! i am shocked!

:D :D :D

and thanks for considering me to be part of the Chinese gang ya. even tho' i can't read chinese and the only chinese song that i can sing the chorus to is 'da sher tou' (big tongue) hahahah... we shd KO again. soon-ish. ;)

Anonymous said...

sam, you are not the only shocked one. I AM SHOCKED TOO... but i wonder why i still visit from time to time.
anyways thx for missing me ya.. i will be back pretty soon!! we will KO then if people are free..
