Thursday, August 31

Relationships, bizzare people can be. How many times have you heard, "Oh poor thing, that guy is a ****! I have been in that situation before and it sucks!" everytime you get rejected or dumped. How weird! Why are we always so resentful when we call it quits with the other 'so-called' half? Why can't we be filled with joy that at least now you know that he is not Mr. right instead of just wasting your time to try and correct the other person to be you 'perfect' lover!
Just thought it is just so weird how we like to immense ourselves in sorrow all the time when we can choose to be happy! Hands up for those who get a kick out of reading other people's broken relationships and go hey that sounds like me too! Why do people like saying stuff that make other people sympathasize about them? Why do people like to put so much emphasis on the negative side of things... is it because it makes them feel good when people sympathise or take pity on them? Hm... how weird human behaviour is? Thankfully i am studying animal behaviour now, not that it is much exciting or wat at least it is so much easier. According to the lecturer, everything that the animal do or has, is about SEX! Like for example, why do giraffes have long necks? Is it because of lamark's theory that trees are getting taller and therefore they need longer necks to reach the top of the tree! Well that is the innocent and naive story that we all hear in secondary school isn't it! Well the truth is to attract MATES! But thankfully again, we are not animals, or at least I am not an animal, don't know if it is true for some chee ko peks out there!
Oh well have to return to my pile of readings for my debate topic on some human evolution thing. What the crap, considering that I really don't believe in it, i still have to put on my acting skills to try and convince my audience even though i am not convinced myself at all! Whats life without its contradictions? Don't contradictions in life just bring so much enjoyment and challenges?

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